Articulation Textile Group Prepares for Portals Gallery March 2019

MARCH 26th-APRIL 18, 2019

Articulation’s show at Portals Gallery in Duncan BC is fast approaching. Members' works are arriving on the Island in various containers, designing surface trails by land and sea and hopefully, nothing is lost in the between. 

Parcels on Lesley’s doorstep

Unwrapping the parcels is always a delight as we discover something new about our colleagues, their response to a shared experience within an environment and their expression of some of the concepts and ideas inspired by that specific place. 

                                           Sidney by the Sea, October 2018

Each one of us has created works in textiles and the tangents I find are in themselves inspiring. Wendy Klotz has spent some time examining our impact on oceans, developing this series of jellyfish using drinking straws and plastic bags. It will be one of the works on display during Articulation's exhibition at Portals Gallery entitled "Forest and Sea and the Place Between".
The show opens March 26th at the Island Savings Centre, 2687 James Street, Duncan. Pencil it in if you are in the area up to and including April 18th.

The human impact on our environment is something we hear about often but sometimes it is easy to dismiss those events as happening somewhere else to somebody else and not affecting our little piece of the world. I took some time to look into environmental villains generally and the drinking straw specifically. The pieces, "Flotsam and Jetsam", use dye painted raw canvas to create a landscape background upon which a fence woven with drinking straws and hand painted cotton and silk charmeuse respectively, refers to the notion of good fences making good neighbours. In reality, however, ocean currents do not distinguish between my garbage and yours and so our rose coloured glasses are not able to counteract the tide of plastic waste that is affecting bodies of water and fragile ecosystems everywhere.

Flotsam detail, by Amanda Onchulenko
Ingrid Lincoln another Manitoban among our group shares an image of her piece "Verdant" below. While each of us has completed our physical works there is still much to do as we collate our thoughts and try to encapsulate our process, ideas, and resultant works in 200-250 words. No easy task.

Verdant by Ingrid Lincoln

Sometimes we get to work on our projects together but most of our recent show preparation has been undertaken in our studios, on our kitchen tables and between the daily events and activities of our everyday lives. We hope you will stop by to see some of these works in person during the run of the show. Three of six members will be at the Portals Gallery for an Artist Reception on Saturday, April 13th between 3 and 5 pm. We hope you might join us.


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