Bay of Fundy / Bridging Waters
It seems so long ago when we were all together on the Fundy shoreline. The fall came ,winter blew in, took for every to blow out but it does look like spring has arrived and the group has been dedicated as ever to their art. Lots of things have been happening over the last few months. The big news is that 6 of the members will be exhibiting at the Whyte in the fall of this year and the whole group has been invited to exhibit with the Material Girls in London England with work based on the Bay of Fundy. The Material Girls will be basing their work on the Thames River and the title of the exhibit is Articulated Materials - Bridging Waters. The first exhibit is schedule for Feb 2012 in London England .The work will exhibit in Canada at a later date.
So......the yearly retreat took place September 2010. Everyone arrived in Moncton NB
(at different times but on the same day)
Tide coming in Joggins NS.
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